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Below, you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions about our online high school. Whether you are a new student, a parent, or a teacher, this section is designed to provide clear and helpful information. Navigate easily to gain insights into the essential aspects of our educational platform. If you cannot find what you are looking for, feel free to contact us directly.

LyFEL, with its unique complementary education concept, merges two school systems into a comprehensive journey. The skills acquired in the initial curriculum are leveraged to meet the requirements of the French programs. We avoid teaching unnecessary duplications. LyFEL adapts to the knowledge and skills already acquired to facilitate, or even accelerate, the acquisition of the knowledge and know-how required by the programs of the French National Education.

LyFEL allows for dual enrollment leading to the attainment of a dual diploma with the baccalaureate or the DNB. Our students thus have access to a wider range of higher education options in France, Europe, and around the world. We also enable French expatriate students, students in homeschooling (Instruction En Famille or IEF), and globetrotting students to seamlessly reintegrate into the French education system with all the necessary administrative documents and without any gaps.

All French-speaking students.

Unfortunately no…
LyFEL is exclusively designed for students who already speak French. However, it is not necessary to speak French perfectly to enroll in LyFEL.

Yes, absolutely. Within LyFEL, a specific path is designed for these profiles.

Before enrolling as an individual student, we invite you to register and attend a LyFEL presentation webinar, preferably with your child, to learn about the program and get answers to all your questions.

Then, simply contact us via email, phone, or through our contact section. Our team will provide you with detailed information.

With its unique concept of enrichment, LyFEL provides a comprehensive educational journey. Our students are guided by teachers certified by the French National Education (certified and aggregated), strictly following French programs. They become part of a real class that they meet during video conferences throughout the week, connecting with classmates who accompany them throughout the year.

They benefit from parent-teacher meetings, personalized pedagogical adaptations, participate in a rich cultural life, receive report cards, learn emotional skills, and more. LyFEL drew inspiration from the best aspects of various international systems to create an excellent, reliable, innovative, and caring French curriculum, tailored to your needs.

At the end of each video conference, a summary document of the topics covered during the session is systematically sent to all students, allowing them to learn and progress confidently. Additionally, at the beginning of each month, teachers provide their students with a detailed program of upcoming learning sessions, including resources, dates, and assessment topics. This approach allows all our students to organize themselves confidently.

We enhance educational paths with the French curriculum, from elementary to high school.

In practice, our students attend the additional classes of their LyFEL online class after their regular school day. The videoconference schedules are tailored to our students’ timetables and respect the child’s biological rhythms.
The work is done synchronously in small classes.
Older students, especially those in exam classes, may have some asynchronous tasks to complete.

Quarterly or semester report cards, depending on your child’s grade, with averages and comments, a certificate of enrollment, a duly established educational plan if necessary (PAP, PPRE…), a certificate of withdrawal at the end of the course, and an annual or semi-annual payment certificate.

Except in exceptional cases and subject to certified justifications, you cannot stop during the school year. Any started semester is due.

As long as there is a spot available in the requested level, it is possible. Contact us.

Tuition fees for each level are specified in the brochures for primary, middle school, and high school available on the homepage of our website. You will find all the necessary information for each possible academic path.

Download our brochures
A non-refundable deposit based on the chosen program is due upon registration.

Payment options
You have various payment options upon confirmation of enrollment:

Option 1: Full payment due on June 1st
Option 2: 10 payments due from June to March with bank debit authorization

Financial assistance
LyFEL provides financial assistance to families upon request and subject to income conditions.

Financial aid is not guaranteed as it is based on the final amount allocated to the LyFEL fund each year. The level of support provided may vary from year to year.

Awarded by a jury, the DNB (Diplôme National du Brevet) is a diploma that certifies the knowledge and skills acquired at the end of middle school.
The Brevet is obtained with an overall result of at least 200 points out of 400, equivalent to 10/20.
All exams are written, and there is no oral examination, with five written exams for individual candidates.

For additional information, refer to our « Collège » brochure. Download the Collège brochure

Baccalaureate registrations take place in November on the Cyclades platform. Information is directly sent to families from the chosen examination center.
The exams occur at the end of the Première (11th grade) and at the end of the Terminale (12th grade). The number of exams varies depending on the choices made during registration.
During Baccalaureate registration, families can choose the examination center closest to them, either in France or abroad.

For further details, refer to our « Lycée » brochure. Download the Lycée brochure

Our teachers are certified or aggregated by the National Education system. They teach in French high schools abroad or in France. They know how to integrate the best of each educational system for the benefit of your children.

CP, CE1 (1st, 2nd grade): Maximum of 4 students per class.
CE2 (3rd grade): Maximum of 6 students per class.
CM1 and CM2 (4th and 5th grade): Maximum of 10 students per class.
Sixième to Troisième (6th to 9th grade) : Maximum of 10 students per class.
Seconde, première, terminale (10th to 12th grade): Maximum of 10 students per class.
Specialties or options groups: Maximum of 10 students per class.

50 minutes at the primary level.
1 hour at the middle and high school levels.

LyFEL and all the tools used are 100% French, hosted in France, and comply with French legislation regarding GDPR. We are very proud of this!

It’s a big YES.
We are particularly sensitive and vigilant to the schooling conditions of our EBEP (Élève à Besoins Éducatifs Particuliers – Students with Special Educational Needs). All necessary adaptations are implemented, in coordination with families, by our qualified and trained teachers.
Our students benefit from comprehensive academic and pedagogical support.

In fact, for all our elementary students, monthly LEGO therapy sessions are provided to reinforce learning in French and mathematics. In middle and high school, students are accompanied by mon

A computer equipped with an internet connection and a webcam.
School supplies requested by your teachers.

LyFEL students are supervised by certified, experienced, and passionate teachers from the French National Education system. Families have access to their children’s learning space to directly communicate with teachers and monitor their daily work and progress. Throughout the year, parent-teacher meetings, class councils, and report cards complement this monitoring.

Specific guidance is provided for career orientation to guide our students and their families in choosing higher education paths in France, Europe, or internationally. We handle the registrations and follow-ups on Parcoursup for our students

All the doors to higher education are open to you, and your teachers are here to advise and support you.
Graduating from LyFEL provides our students with a wider range of selective higher education options in France, Europe, and around the world.

All the specialties and options of the final cycle of general education are available at LyFEL.

To access orientations that respect your choices, to become passionate thinkers, innovators, and the leaders of tomorrow!

The specialized courses and options of the final cycle are taught by teachers holding French qualifications in strict compliance with national programs. The evaluations of these courses correspond to the remote evaluation protocol edited by EDUSCOL and are certified by EVALUO to be taken into account in your continuous assessment and integrated into the report cards of your institution. Your school principal must give prior approval for your registration at LyFEL.

LyFEL drew inspiration from the best of various international systems to create a reliable, innovative, and caring French curriculum. Your children benefit from parent-teacher meetings, tailor-made pedagogical adaptations, and participate in a rich cultural life. They receive report cards, learn emotional skills, and much more.

In each class, the teacher takes attendance, and parents receive an alert in case of their child’s absence or delay. Parent-teacher meetings are organized every semester to track the progress of your children. Report cards and competency reports are issued every trimester or semester (depending on the level of education) after a class council that brings together the entire teaching team of each class.

Communication with our teachers is also facilitated, and families can contact them to exchange via our internal software and schedule an online appointment if needed. Teachers are required to respond to family requests within 72 hours.

It may happen that a student is absent or late for a class. In this case, the teacher will initiate the recording of the video conference and send it to the concerned student at the end of the class. A summary document of the topics covered during the session is systematically sent at the end of each class (whether absent or not) to all students, allowing them to learn and progress serenely.

Each delay is automatically reported to families. Students should do their best to arrive on time to avoid disrupting the smooth functioning of the classes.

In any case, classes start at the scheduled time unless there is an unreplaced absence of a teacher. In case of a teacher’s absence, they will propose an alternative schedule to their students.

Finally, at the beginning of each month, teachers in your children’s classes make available to their students the detailed program of future learnings for the period, session by session, as well as resources, dates, and topics of evaluations. This operation allows all our students to organize themselves serenely.

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