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LyFEL, the French Online High School

LyFEL is an excellent French online school, providing innovative education.

Operating like a traditional school, LyFEL includes classes, regular video conferences with classmates, a main teacher, subject teachers, and report cards.

LyFEL allows French-speaking students to supplement their education from elementary (CP) to the baccalaureate.

It also enables French high school students to choose their specialties or options.

LyFEL, a compassionate and intelligent educational supplement

With our unique enrichment concept, LyFEL combines two educational systems.

The skills acquired in the original curriculum are used to meet the requirements of the French programs. We enrich education with the French curriculum, from elementary to the baccalaureate, without overburdening students’ daily lives.

In practice, our students attend additional online classes after their regular school day. The video conference schedules adapt to our students’ timetables and respect their biological rhythms.

We allow expatriate French students to reintegrate into the French education system without gaps, providing all the necessary documents for a smooth return.
Regardless of your child’s grade, the French Online High School cleverly complements their curriculum, respecting the French National Education programs without unnecessary duplication.

This dual education leads to obtaining a double diploma with the baccalaureate or DNB, providing access to a broader choice of higher education in France, Europe, and worldwide.

  • The SUPPLEMENTARY EDUCATION option provides additional French education to students already following another curriculum.
    option offers French education for non-schooled students (such as those following home education or world travelers).
    The COMPLEMENT + option is suitable for expatriates or French speakers.

LyFEL offers its students the comfort of learning in small groups, guided by teachers certified by the French National Education system, and a rich social and cultural life.

Studying at LyFEL means meeting classmates from around the world, benefiting from an extraordinary cultural opening through webinars organized throughout the year, and joining an international alumni network.

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LyFEL, a complement to specialties and options in the terminal cycle

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  • Today, LyFEL complements the French National Education system by offering high school students the opportunity to follow specialties and options in the online terminal cycle.
  • Our high school students benefit from small classes and rigorous support. Specialties and options in the terminal cycle are taught by teachers certified by the French system, strictly adhering to national programs.
  • Evaluations follow the remote assessment protocol issued by EDUSCOL and are certified by EVALUO for consideration in continuous assessment and integration into school report cards.
  • LyFEL commits to and certifies the integrity of its evaluations and the strict adherence to the taught programs.
  • LyFEL also offers candidates who were unsuccessful in the baccalaureate the opportunity to retake it under the best conditions. They attend online classes, benefiting from the expertise of our teachers and excellent working conditions.

LyFEL, a compassionate and intelligent educational supplement

An intelligent and compassionate online educational supplement

Follow a French curriculum from elementary to the baccalaureate, strictly adhering to the French National Education programs and expectations

Study innovatively, flexibly, and rigorously from your partner school or as an individual student

Access the specialties and options of your choice in the terminal cycle

Be guided by certified or aggregated French teachers

Take the French baccalaureate

Join an international alumni network

Continue your higher education in France or abroad

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